Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Heading out for CA in about 30 min.  I can hardly wait!  Going to see my whole family, my brother is out there right now for training, and he graduates Friday.  My mom, sister and niece and nephew are already there so we'll get alot of time to hang out.  My dad and other sister will be getting in on Thursday.

I believe we are going to Sea World tomorrow, which should be alot of fun, and the beach hopefully at least once.  i would also enjoy seeing the shops in San Diego area, since I have not been to that part of CA.

Aside from that, not much else is new.  Camp finished up last week... after I get back from CA (Monday morning) I will be spending most of my time at school working on class prep, and then my second year working at Belhaven University will begin.  It seems very odd that we have already been down here over a year.  Alot has happened, we've met tons of people, and made new friends.  But I suppose 1 year out of 26 won't feel like alot until it's more has happened and more years have passed.

Ok, I think thats all for now, probably won't write till I get back, and hopefully I'll post some pictures.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Camp and other things

So I haven't written in a while, I've been somewhat consumed with the summer theatre camp that I'm running through Belhaven right now.  Thankfully it is almost over.  This week is the last.  It has been good, and fun, and for the most part I love working with the kids... however the last few days has me wanting to strangle most of senior high group, which is even more annoying because one would think that the 4-9 year olds would be worse... but no.

In any case, camp is going well, they ending performance is Thursday evening at 7 p.m., should be at least interesting, I'll wait to say good until I see how they might improve the next two days.

After that I fly out to CA to see my little brother and his graduation from the Navy Seals!  I'll be there for almost a week, and get to see the rest of my immediate family which will be nice.  Mary with Joy, and Joshua and my mom will all be there before I get there so we'll have alot of time to hang out, which I'm greatly looking forward to... especially getting to go to Sea World and spend some quality time at the beach!  And I like the beach in CA, though the last time I was there was much farther South than San Diego area.

Hmmmm, aside from camp and heading to CA I don't think I have any other major news.  Nanaki is growing quickly, which is normal, I'll post some pictures later, I can't access them at the moment.  He started his training class two weeks ago, and already has alot to learn.  He picks up on things quickly, but being a puppy generally doesnt always want to listen even if he knows what we are saying.  So it is a slow process but at least we are making progress.

School will be starting again soon, I can't believe our summer as disappeared so quickly... I'm not sure I'm ready for the semester to start yet, but I suppose I will be when it happens, or I'll at least make due.

Ok, that really is all for now, hopefully the dog will be a bit more quiet tonight so we can get more sleep?  We shall see.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More Summer happenings

So we are currently getting ready to go on the youth groups first retreat (Luke started up the youth group after we moved here), so that should be fun.  We will be doing a combined event with Calvary Chapel Bartlet, in Tennessee, leaving Wed night and having stuff all day there Thursday then going to Magic Springs Water park in Arkansas for the day Friday which should also be alot of fun.

So in my attempts to get the house cleaned up, buy what I need to for the trip, and try to get packed I have found that Nanaki likes to interrupt anything and everything so that I only get maybe half of what I planned on getting done accomplished.  Speaking of which he has had an intestinal bug the last few days and been feeling pretty awful.  Thankfully the medicine seems to be working and he's been doing somewhat better.... though naturally the medicine he tries to refuse is the one he needs the most off.  Below there will be a few newer pictures of him, he's growing really fast.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our New Puppy!

Here are a few pictures of our new puppy Nanaki.  He is now 6 weeks old (as of Saturday) and is already starting to get bigger.  He should end up being between 40-50 pounds.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Summer Time

So it still feels somewhat odd to not HAVE to go into work only because it's summer time.  Though that was one of the reasons (among many, many others) that I wanted to work in a school setting.  I know there are lots of other things I need to get done this summer...  Between camp, possibly a camp for youth group, yard work (lots of that), some design work, and getting ready for classes again, I still feel very busy.

I have managed to find time to do a few things though, like:
  1. Finish Mass Effect 1
  2. Start AND finish Mass Effect 2 (great game)
  3. Finish Dragon Age 1
  4. Start And finish Dragon Age 2 (which was awesome btw)
  5. AND reread at least 10 of the books off my shelf
Now since my birthday is coming up in a few weeks I'm hoping that I can actually get some new books that I've been hoping to get for a while.   I think I may have set a record on going a whole year without buying a new book.  And text books don't count, strictly talking about novels at the moment.

In any case, I'm looking forward to being able to spend a little money on some books that I've been dying to get my hands on, and a few that I've already read but I need to get to finish off my sets... I can hardly wait!  Though it does feel slightly odd that I'll be turning 26, not sure why, but it feels like just yesterday that I was turning 25!  This year has gone by very quickly that is for sure!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yard Photos!

After working yesterday and today on cleaning out the weeds from our side bed I think it looks rather nice!

5 a.m.

So today was the first morning Luke opened at Seattle drip, so I managed to actually get up at 5 a.m., which hasn't happened in years (literally)... however, it is somewhat nice, I've already had a cup of tea, done my daily Bible reading and devotional and am getting ready to head to the gym for maybe an hour then get some yard work done while it's still on the not quite so hot side of the day.  I don't know that I'll make it a habit of getting up at 5 a.m., but today it worked for me.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Here are a couple pictures from Easter Sunday I thought I would share.  All done by Lance and Heather Bowser.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Today was the 2011 Belhaven Graudation.  It was interesting watching graduation from the other side of the stage.  I have sat through several graduations in the past few years, but never from that point of view.  Though it might have worked better if I could hear what was going on, there were acoustic problems that needed to be fixed.  However, I did enjoy watching my students finish their last step in becoming college graduates and ready to move on to bigger and better things.

In other news... Luke just got a job at Seattle Drip, which is apparently a Christian run coffee shop (I didn't know that part before) and he will be starting next week working at the one in the Baptist Hospital which is great since it's right next to school and not out of the way by any means.  He'll be able to work full time over the summer and they can work around his class schedule when they start up again in the fall.

Now it is time to finish playing a game, and then get some sleep I think.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1st year complete

Monday was the last day of classes for this academic year.  It seems strange to say that I've already worked at Belhaven University for a full school year but I have.  It has been full of many wonderful memories and fond moments with students... along with of course the normal frustrations that come along with any job, especially in the theatrical world.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Luke and I have both loved our year here, me with teaching and working as TD, and Luke while taking classes.  In some ways it feels like we've been here longer than a year, and in others it feels like we just moved here yesterday.

This summer should hold some exciting things... our church (Calvary Chapel Jackson) just got disc golf Frisbees for our youth group, so we are going to be having a cookout soon to break them in and have fellowship time with their families.  Aside from youth group activities I will be running the summer theatre camp that is held here at Belhaven, which I'm really looking forward to.  Some of our college students teach the classes and I'll be coordinating the whole event, should be fun!

As we take some time to relax from the end of the school year and gear up for the summer, it is a nice to get work done around the house and to reflect on all that God has blessed us with.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


As the semester is drawing to the close I'm coming to realize that I think that my body just needs at least a few weeks of down time.  Of being at home, not having to go into work if I don't need to, not having to answer questions, and just time to rejuvenate.  As part of that I have decided to start selling some things on Etsy, because I find crocheting relaxing, and because it may actually make some extra money.  If you are interested in anything I might be making my page it www.etsy.com/shop/BecksCrafts , I don't have anything listed yet, but I'm in the process of getting a few things up.  For now I will mostly be doing things that can be used around the house that are smaller and fast to make up.  I may start adding other things, like sweaters, shrugs, shawls and more... we shall see how it goes.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coming to a close

So there are only two weeks left to the Spring 2011 semester!  I'm not sure where the time went.  It's hard to believe that I've already been working for a full school year, and that we moved here almost a full year ago.  School is going well for Luke, he has alot of things to finish in the next two weeks however.

The Belhaven Theatre department is having their first ever Theatre Festival that will be running for these next two weeks.  Events to include shows done by Rich Swingle and McNair Wilson, two of our guest performers.  This is new but will hopefully be something that will happen every year at the end of the spring semester.  It gives our students a chance to experiment with new and different forms of theatre.  There will be a kids theatre performance... which will actually be puppet work, and interactive games actually for kids, and many other fun things going on!  If you are in the area you should come check it out.  You can see the full schedule of events at http://blogs.belhaven.edu/theatre/festival/  which is on our theatre blog website.

This weekend was full of fun activites... The ladies at my church had a surprise party for Monika's birthday on Saturday evening, and then this morning we surprised our pastors wife Aprille with a baby shower / birthday party at church to go along with the potluck.  Both surprises were a success and alot of fun.

Our plants are starting to come up in our garden, and I now need to get our beans in the ground.  I've been completely enjoying the warmer weather that we have been having and am looking forward to the summer again.

Also on Saturday I was able to spend the morning with a couple of my students thrift store shopping... which was a tun of fun.  I got 4 dresses and a shirt, and spent very little.  And it was just fun to hang out doing something outside of school for a few hours.

Now I think my living room floor is dry and it's time for me to finish mopping the rest of our hard wood floors.  I hope everyone else has a wonderful blessed Lords Day of rest.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturdays = Good

So we spent most of the morning clearing out a few dead bushes and old growth on things that needed to be pruned.  Which was actually alot of fun.  We now have a large pile of nice tinder under our Magnolia tree that we need to burn at some point... which should also be fun.

Now that we cleared out space, we can start planning where we can put more plants.  Though I'm still waiting to see if the bushes that did make it through the really dry summer last year are going to flower this year or not, we shall see.  I'm hoping they do, because they looked really awesome in the photos I saw of them.

I think we will be planting more things in the next few weeks!  Beans, Tomatoes, and whatever else had to wait till later, I forget off the top of my head.  Possibly the cucumbers as well.... though we're still figuring out where the best place in the yard is for some of the plants, because of all the trees we have.  I'm thinking we may have quite a few potted plants that we move, especially the tomatoes.

So today in Fondren (the neighborhood we live in) it was Festival day, with a parade called Zippidy Doo Da... it was quite interesting.  Not the parade ( I couldn't go I was at school) but the whole thing in general.  Luke and I wondered around and looked at all the stalls, there were some nice things, mostly it was companies in the area that set up tents.  Got a milk shake, and just had fun walking around.  Just another reason we enjoy living in Fondren... there are lots of random things that take place that are just fun to be a part of.

And for now that'll be all.  Oh!  For those of you who don't know about the Belhaven Theatre department blog, you should look at that as well.  It has information on what shows we are doing, and photos of shows we've completed, and alot of interesting articles to read.  http://blogs.belhaven.edu/theatre/ .  Just another way of seeing whats going on in my world of Belhaven Theatre.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some of our Spring Flowers

                                          Irises in our front Garden

                                             Close up of an Iris

                            Don't know what this bush is, but it's really pretty.

                           We have these all around the house, they are gorgeous  

                                           Close up on some buds


Getting Started

Since I'm not the greatest at keeping up with everyone from up North, I thought it might be time that I started up some kind of blog.  I used to do this back in college, and wasn't very good at posting... so we'll see if I've gotten any better!

Our yard is almost in full bloom at this point.  The bushes in our front bed are still working on getting flowers out, but all along the sides of our house and the back bushes are out in full force.  We have planted one of our vegetable beds, now just waiting for them to come up so I can weed, I don't want to disturb the seeds or accidentally pull the wrong things out.  Still planning on planting more, but the other things are supposed to go in a little later.

There is basically 1 month left to the semester!  Which is crazy that it has gone by this fast.  Luke is all set for his classes in the fall, again going to be a busy semester but hopefully another good one.

This summer is starting to fill up, I will be running the Summer Theatre Camp that they hold here at Belhaven, which should be alot of fun.  Lots of extra work right now though, so thats keeping me more busy.  Luke is starting to apply for jobs that he would be able to keep through school, so prayers for that would be appreciated.  And we are also trying to figure out if we will be coming up North at all this summer, that is still in the works.

And that is all for now because I have more phone calls to make.